Equipment Questions and Answers

These questions have been compiled by the Massachusetts Dental Society to offer general guidance to members. You should continue to rely on your best professional judgment and always consult with your legal or financial advisors for guidance regarding your particular situation. We will continue to update this section as more information becomes available or as information changes. 

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What type of disinfectants can I use?

Do I need a negative-pressure treatment room?

Is there a specific air filtration system that the ADA recommends that a dentist can use in patient exam rooms to safeguard from the transmission of the coronavirus?

My office has not been used for several weeks and is fairly dormant. What do I have to do to the treatment rooms and mechanicals to get the office ready to open?

What do I need to do with my autoclave prior to reopening?

What about spore testing? How many spore tests do I need to run?

What do I need to do to my water lines?

What do I need to do in the waiting room area?

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