Dental Education Committee

The Dental Education Committee is composed of volunteer dentists. This committee is focused on identifying the educational needs of the member dentist and their staff and developing continuing education programs to support these needs.

Minutes and Materials

Committee Members

Committee Areas of Focus

Each year, the Committee charge(s) is defined by the MDS President and Board of Trustees. The corresponding charges for the current governance year are:

  • Identify the educational needs of member dentists and their staff
  • Identify alternative opportunities for offering continuing education
  • Monitor Massachusetts BORID CE regulations and make sure that programs follow those regulations
  • Maintain CERP Certification and monitor the Districts that qualify for CERP Certification
  • Develop continuing education programs to enhance the member dentist and their staff throughout the practice and patient care

The following are the Committee's broad areas of focus: 

  • Identify the educational needs of member dentists and their staff
  • Develop continuing education programs to enhance the member dentist and their staff throughout the practice and patient care
  • Monitor BORID CE regulations and make sure that programs follow these regulations
  • Maintain CERP Certification and monitor the Districts that qualify for CERP certifications

Meeting Dates

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